
 admin   2024-04-23 08:00   88 人阅读  0 条评论

曲阜疫情封路I hope tommrow is a fine day.

衡水天气天气预报15天查询结果I hope/wish tomorrow's weather will be fine/nice as well as today's. 翻译出错了。 I hope/wish tomorrow's weather will be as fine as today's.

书画家麦华三.照案 我很担心明天天气是不是很好 I'm worried about tomorrow's weather is good is it right?

夏装女装陈列图片案 明天的天气会很好吗?那就可以理解为从反面来明天天气会不会很好.

儿童舞蹈编剧案 正式一点的i hope the weather ne.t week will be nice.

美美舞蹈队案 The weather will be fine tomorrow!

狗狗呕吐了 不吃.西怎么办案 我希望天气会好转 I hope the weather will improve. I hope the weather will get better. I hope the weather will take a turn for the better. I hope the weather will change for the

临洮明天气预报案 だ就是です的简体,と思います要接一个完整的句子,也就是“明日はいい天気です”

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