英语讲得好的英文,第一英文怎么写number one

 admin   2024-07-22 23:00   130 人阅读  0 条评论

.阳特产有哪些案 lectures are very good

两个月的狗每天喝几次水案 1.know a lot about.. 2.many people 3.help sb a lot 4.many books 5..some of them 6.speak English well

淮安2018年5月份的天气表案 他们中的一个人英语讲的非常好 One of them speaks English very well. 他们中的一个 One of them 双语例句 1 我希望在我死前能成为他们中的一个。 I hope to become

内蒙通辽7月份天气案 1. She speaks English perfectly.2. They take full advantage of the library to educate students.

87年阴历2月25是什么星座案 她英语讲得很好


雏妓t.t下载书包案 better 是well的比较级 句意你英语讲得越多,你的英语会讲得越好。

乐高教育加盟品牌 设计图案 我对英语感兴趣所以我比其他人讲得好 I am interested in English, so I speak better than others

马航mh370恐怖录音链接案 他英语说的好,还会给同学讲故事。He speaks English well. Also, he is good at taletelling to his classmates.He speaks good Engish and tells stories for his classmates.His

加拿.永久居民配偶工签案 come this way意思是这边走!一般加个please needs too speak english well too 应该是to 意思是需要把英语说好 keep doing意思是一直在做……;坚持做……


乌头石水库钓鱼案 Sunday morning, I met a foreigner in a shop, he needs to buy things but because the language is in a mess. I use English to ask him what to buy, he said to buy some

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